The European and Italian will to expand the scope of the Extended Producer Responsibility also to the textile sector – with the aim of establishing mandatory and harmonised models in all European countries – will introduce new obligations and fulfilments for companies producing and importing clothing, footwear, leather goods, accessories and home textiles.
These include the need to join a dedicated Compliance Scheme.
As envisaged for other sectors, the EPR provides that the ‘Producer’ in the broadest sense, through the payment of an eco-contribution, takes responsibility for the entire life cycle of the products from the moment they are released on the market until the moment they become waste. The Producer will therefore have to fulfil this responsibility by financing and organising a system for the collection, recovery and recycling of post-consumer textile waste. In this specific case, in fact, we are talking about Waste from finished Textile Products.
The EPR expands beyond what has already been achieved by individual companies, such as:
The expression ‘Waste from finished Textile Products’ refers to post-consumer waste consisting of clothing, footwear, accessories, home textiles, also made of leather and hide, discarded by consumers.
Erion Textiles is the Compliance Scheme of the Erion System dedicated to Producers in the textile sector.
According to the proposal for the revision of the Waste Framework Directive, a Producer of finished Textile Products is defined as any natural or legal person who, whatever the technique used, be it sale (including distance, online or telesales), rental or promotional giveaways, first places a finished Textile Product on the Italian market.
The manufacturer of components (buttons, zips…) or semi-finished products (yarns, fabrics…) is not considered a ‘Producer’ within the meaning of the new legislation. The exclusive subcontractor is also excluded from the definition of Producer and is exempt from the obligations that would follow.
Erion Textiles – Non-profit Producer Responsibility Organization for textiles waste – Via A. Scarsellini, 14 – 20161 Milan
VAT/Tax Code/ Milan Registry of Businesses 12932880961